It’s that time again – no not summer time – it’s back-to-school time. It’s time for students to stock up on their pens, pencils, notebooks, and folders before they return to class for the fall. Computer Science students, however, have other specific supplies they need. For computer science students, there are specific certain thing that computer science students in particular need to make their school year easier.

Flash Drives: Flash drives are a must have for all students, as they are helpful in transferring files between home and school or just about anywhere. For Computer Science students, this is even more true due to the volume of computer-based work and frequent need to submit it either via flash drive or over the internet.

Eithernet Cables: While most colleges are going wireless, WiFi is still not completely reliable and when one is doing intensive work over the internet, and interruptions are very irritating. An ethernet cable is an inexpensive way to maintain a reliable network connection, provided one can find an available ethernet drop.

Mobile Hotspot: When it comes to coding and other technical work, the web has become essential to submitting, collaborating  and distributing one’s work. Most colleges are wireless, but working online off campus could be challenging. Mobile hotspots are great, but pricey. For the college student on a budget, which is most students, Virgin Mobile offers pay-as-you-go hotspots at a reasonable cost.

Surge Protectors: Another important consideration is to protect all of one’s electronics when they are plugged into power, by using a surge protector. This may not be as feasible when one is roaming around campus, but when one is in their dorm room or apartment, surge protectors are a must. Travel surge protectors are also available and are a good idea if one often carries many electronics.

Tablet: Tablets make for a great portable device for students whether they need to do research, read, check their email, or just kill some time between classes. Computer science students in particular can really benefit from this, since they can quickly access information they may need when they encounter issues whether they are  writing a program or hit a wall troubleshooting an IT issue. It also is a great way to keep informed of the newest technology trends.

A Good Calculator: Although we technical types often don’t think we need to know much math, many programming and networking concepts are based in mathematics. Most computer science students will be required to take Calculus and other higher level math classes because of this reason. A good calculator will help immensely, and one can write programs many calculators such as the Ti-84.  A good calculator app on a  smartphone or tablet  may suffice, however, they are not likely to be permitted on standardized testing.

There are probably many other things computer students may need when going back to school, but these are the essential supplies every computer science student should have when starting or going back to school as a computer science major.

About the Author

MikeMike Gdovin has been blogging about technology since 2006 on his blog, He has a Bachelor of Science degree in Electronic Media from Kutztown University with a minor in Journalism, Public Relations and Business. In addition to blogging about technology, Mike is a video producer, technology consultant and social media expert.

