RTDM, or real-time data monitoring is becoming quite commonplace today in a number of varying applications. What is this monitoring all about, and how does it work? Read along as we take a quick look at the basic aligns of real-time data monitoring today.

How it Works

In this modern age, technology relays all types of data at lightning speed, at all times of day and night, all across the globe. Much of this data is harmless in substance; website browsing, searches, and other simple activities fall under this category. On the other hand, there are plenty of malicious activities which take place also. Hacking, spying, information theft, and digital harassment are prime examples.

In addition to these innocent and nefarious activities, there are also plenty of activities taking place at any given time involving sensitive and very private information. Credit card purchases, online banking, social security data, and even email form this slice of digital traffic.

Here enters RTDM. RTDM is essentially a system digitally inserted right in the midst of all of this constant web traffic which can then actually see, or monitor, the activity in real time. By watching the digital traffic, the RTDM system can then be set to alert its administrator as to particular types of activities and provide a report on those activities. As we’ll next cover, the uses for this capability are fantastically valuable and quite varied.

Real-World Applications

RTDM truly does provide a wide array of real-world applications. From environmental safety, to manufacturing, and law enforcement, more and more industries today are realizing the possibilities of digital data monitoring. Here is just a small sample of RTDM’s current uses.

Manufacturing Systems

Many manufacturers depend on complex computerized systems to handle countless facets of the production process. How many units are being produced every hour? What electrical costs are associated with these hours of production work? Are all factors of production working in synchronized fashion? RTDM connected to the entire system helps management stay aware of all happenings in real time.

Network admin

Network administration can also utilize RTDM protocols to great benefit as understanding the traffic taking place on the network can often be of extreme importance. One example of such a monitoring service for networks in Microsoft’s Network Monitor. Per the company, “Network Monitor captures network traffic for display and analysis. It enables you to perform tasks such as analyzing previously captured data in user-defined methods and extract data from defined protocol parsers”.

Antivirus Efforts

The antivirus industry is a multi-billion dollar market which ensures the subscribing world at large of safe internet browsing. As time has progressed, the makers of antivirus programs have gained access to RTDM. Now they can stay tuned to the most recent and emerging security issues and make adjustments to their software accordingly and immediately.

Personal Data Security

Similar to antivirus efforts, many companies have made it their business to monitor the internet for other nefarious activities – in this case, infringements on personal data. When they see such activity, they can stop further damage and notify their customers immediately. These RTDM systems absolutely save many people from terrible compromises.

Data Gathering, Studies, Statistics

Private and public endeavors alike also utilize RTDM technology. This can be for statistical gathering, academic studies, and other more. Environmental protection agencies can even be seen using RTDM to watch oceanographic matters, oil rig activity, seismological events, and more.

Military, Government

Another set of users of RTDM is that of the government, military, and law enforcement. In some cases, use of RTDM here is strictly for internal management purposes. In other cases, RTDM is employed by such agencies to monitor things taking place all throughout the world.

As the flow of data intensifies across the globe with time, RTDM systems will likely continue to take on increasing numbers of roles and duties. The value of such capability is only then also expected to grow. These are the basics of real-time data monitoring and its uses today.